Queen é uma banda de rock que já vendeu mais de 300 milhões de cópias no mundo inteiro. Foi uma das mais populares bandas britânicas dos anos 1970 e 1980, sendo precursora do rock tal como hoje o conhecemos, com magníficas produções dos seus concertos e videoclipes das suas canções. Mesmo nunca tendo sido levada a sério pelos críticos da sua época, que consideravam a sua música "comercial" (a crítica de hoje considera os Queen como uma das melhores bandas de rock de todos os tempos), a banda tornou-se a das mais famosas entre o público, graças à sua mistura única entre as complexas e elaboradas apresentações ao vivo e o dinamismo e carisma da sua estrela maior, o vocalista Freddie Mercury. A banda ficou sob a liderança de Brian May (guitarra) e Roger Taylor (bateria) após a saída de John Deacon (baixo), em 1997.
O início da banda remonta a 1967, quando Brian May, Tim Staffell e Roger Taylor formaram o trio Smile, no Imperial College em Londres, onde todos estudavam. Após a saída do baixista e vocalista do grupo, Tim Staffell, na Primavera de 1970, May e Taylor foram apresentados por Staffell a Farokh Bulsara em Abril do mesmo ano, o qual viria a ser o vocalista da nova banda com o nome artístico Freddie Mercury, batizando a banda com o nome Queen. (Lembrando que o nome da banda não tem nenhuma relação com o homossexualismo. Fato que muitos confundem o nome da banda com origem da palavra "queer" que é uma gíria difamatória usada para homossexuais. O nome Queen quer dizer rainha em inglês. E, segundo os membros, Queen é uma palavra simples e fácil de ser pronunciada por qualquer pessoa do mundo. Queen tem a ver também com algo grande, luxuoso e respeitado, como uma rainha). Em 1971, John Deacon completou a formação do Queen como baixista.
- "Keep Yourself Alive" (Brian May) - 3:47
- "Doing All Right" (Brian May / Tim Staffell) - 4:09
- "Great King Rat" (Freddie Mercury) - 5:42
- "My Fairy King" (Freddie Mercury) - 4:07
- "Liar" (Freddie Mercury) - 6:26
- "The Night Comes Down" (Brian May) - 4:23
- "Modern Times Rock'n'Roll" (Roger Taylor) - 1:28
- "Son And Daughter" (Brian May) - 3:20
- "Jesus" (Freddie Mercury) - 3:44
- "Seven Seas Of Rhye..." (instrumental) (Freddie Mercury) - 1:20

- "Procession" (Brian May) - 1:12
- "Father to Son" (Brian May) – 6:14
- "White Queen (as It Began)" (Brian May) – 4:33
- "Some Day One Day" (Brian May) – 4:21
- "The Loser in the End" (Roger Taylor) – 4:01
- "Ogre Battle" - 4:08
- "The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke" – 2:41
- "Nevermore" – 1:17
- "The March of the Black Queen" – 6:33
- "Funny How Love Is" – 2:48
- "Seven Seas of Rhye" – 2:48
- "See What A Fool I've Been" – 4:31

- "Brighton Rock" (Brian May) – 5:08
- "Killer Queen" – 3:01
- "Tenement Funster" (Roger Taylor) – 2:48
- "Flick of the Wrist" – 3:19
- "Lily of the Valley" – 1:43
- "Now I'm Here" (Brian May) – 4:10
- "In the Lap of the Gods" – 3:20
- "Stone Cold Crazy" (Mercury/May/Taylor/Deacon) – 2:12
- "Dear Friends" (Brian May) – 1:07
- "Misfire" (John Deacon) – 1:50
- "Bring Back That Leroy Brown" – 2:13
- "She Makes Me (Storm Trooper in Stilettos)" (Brian May) – 4:08
- "In the Lap of the Gods ... Revisited" – 3:42

- "Death on Two Legs (Dedicated To…)" – 3:43
- "Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon" – 1:07
- "I'm in Love with My Car" (Roger Taylor) – 3:05
- "You're My Best Friend" (John Deacon) – 2:52 *
- "'39" (Brian May) – 3:31
- "Sweet Lady" (Brian May) – 4:03
- "Seaside Rendezvous" – 2:15
[editar] Lado 2
- "The Prophet's Song" (Brian May) – 8:21
- "Love of My Life" – 3:39
- "Good Company" (Brian May) – 3:23
- "Bohemian Rhapsody" – 5:55 *
- "God Save the Queen" (Ludwig van Beethoven) – 1:18

- "Tie Your Mother Down" (Brian May) – 4:47
- "You Take My Breath Away" – 5:09
- "Long Away" (Brian May) – 3:34
- "The Millionaire Waltz" – 4:54
- "You And I" (John Deacon) – 3:25
- "Somebody to Love" – 4:56
- "White Man" (Brian May) – 4:59
- "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" – 2:54
- "Drowse" (Roger Taylor) – 3:45
- "Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)" (Brian May) – 5:57

- "We Will Rock You" (Brian May) – 2:01
- "We Are The Champions" – 2:59
- "Sheer heart Attack" (Roger Taylor) – 3:26
- "All Dead, All Dead" (Brian May) – 3:09
- "Spread Your Wings" (John Deacon) – 4:32
- "Fight From The Inside" (Roger Taylor) – 3:03
- "Get Down, Make Love" – 3:51
- "Sleeping On The Sidewalk" (Brian May) – 3:07
- "Who Needs You" (John Deacon) – 3:07
- "It's Late" (Brian May) – 6:27
- "My Melancholy Blues" – 3:29
1978 - JAZZ

- "Mustapha" – 3:01
- "Fat Bottomed Girls" (Brian May) – 4:16
- "Jealousy" – 3:13
- "Bicycle Race" – 3:01
- "If You Can't Beat Them" (John Deacon) – 4:15
- "Let Me Entertain You" – 3:01
- "Dead On Time" (Brian May) – 3:23
- "In Only Seven Days" (John Deacon) – 2:30
- "Dreamers Ball" (Brian May) – 3:30
- "Fun It" (Roger Taylor) – 3:29
- "Leaving Home Ain't Easy" (Brian May) – 3:15
- "Don't Stop Me Now" – 3:29
- "More That Jazz" (Roger Taylor) – 4:16
1980 - THE GAME

- "Play The Game" - 3:32
- "Dragon Attack" (May) - 4:19
- "Another One Bites The Dust" (Deacon) - 3:38
- "Need You Loving Tonight" (Deacon) - 2:49
- "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" - 2:44
- "Rock it (Primitive Jive)" (Taylor) - 4:33
- "Don't Try Suicide" - 3:53
- "Sail Away Sweet Sister" (May) - 3:33
- "Comming Soon" (Taylor) - 2:51
- "Save Me" (May) - 3:49
- "Flash's Theme" (Brian May) - 3:22
- "In The Space Capsule (The Love Theme)" (Roger Taylor) – 2:21
- "Ming's Theme (In The Court Of Ming The Mercilles)" – 2:53
- "The Ring (Hypnotic Seduction Of Dale)" – 1:15
- "Football Fight" – 1:29
- "In The Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise)" (Roger Taylor) – 2:26
- "Execution Of Flash" (John Deacon) – 0:43
- "The Kiss (Aura RessurrectsFlash)" – 2:11
- "Arboria (Planet Of The Tree Men)" (John Deacon) – 1:41
- "Escape From The Swamp" (Roger Taylor) – 1:37
- "Flash To The Rescue" (Brian May) – 2:47
- "Vultan's Theme (Attack Of The Hawk Men)" – 1:15
- "Battle Theme" (Brian May) – 2:20
- "The Wedding March" (Brian May) – 0:56
- "Marriage Of Dale And Ming (And Flash Approaching)" (Brian May/Roger Taylor) – 2:04
- "Crash Dive On Mingo City" (Brian May) – 0:46
- "Flash's Theme reprise (Victory Celebration)" (Brian May) – 1:39
- "The Hero" (Brian May) – 3:31

- "Bohemian Rhapsody" - 5:55
- "Another One Bites The Dust" (Deacon) - 3:36
- "Love of my Life" (ao vivo) - 2:57
- "Fat Bottomed Girls" (May) - 4:16
- "Bicycle Race" - 3:01
- "You're My Best Friend" (Deacon) - 2:52
- "Don't Stop Me Now" - 3:29
- "Save Me" (May) - 3:48
- "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" - 2:42
- "Somebody To Love" - 4:56
- "Now I'm Here" (May) - 4:10
- "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" - 2:54
- "Play The Game" - 3:33
- "Killer Queen" - 2:48
- "Flash" (May) - 2:47
- "We Will Rock You" (May) - 2:01
- "We Are the Champions" - 2:59
1982 - HOT SPACE

- "Staying Power" – 4:10
- "Dancer" (Brian May) – 3:46
- "Back Chat" (John Deacon) – 4:31
- "Body Language" – 4:29
- "Action This Day" (Roger Taylor) – 3:33
- "Put Out The Fire" (Brian May) – 3:15
- "Life Is Real (Song For Lennon)" – 3:39
- "Calling All Girls" (Roger Taylor) – 3:53
- "Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love)" (Brian May) – 4:26
- "Cool Cat" (John Deacon/Freddie Mercury) – 3:26
- "Under Pressure" (Freddie Mercury & David Bowie) – 4:02
1984 - THE WORKS

1."Radio Ga Ga"-5:45
2."Tear It Up"-3:28
3."It's A Hard Life"-4:08
4."Man On The Prowl"-3:28
5."Machines (or 'Back to Humans')"-5:10
6."I Want To Break Free"-3:20
7."Keep Passing The Open Windows"-5:21
8."Hammer To Fall"-4:28
9."Is This The World We Created?"-2:13

- "One Vision" (Queen) - 5:10
- "A Kind of Magic" (Roger Taylor) - 4:24
- "One Year Of Love" (John Deacon) - 4:26
- "Pain Is So Close To Pleasure" (Freddie Mercury / John Deacon) - 4:21
- "Friends Will Be Friends" (Freddie Mercury / John Deacon) - 4:08
- "Who Wants To Live Forever" - 5:14
- "Gimme the Prize (Kurgan's Theme)" - 4:34
- "Don't Lose Your Head" (Roger Taylor) - 4:32
- "Princes Of The Universe"(Freddie Mercury) - 3:37

1- One vision
2- Tie your mother down
3- Seven seas of rhye
4- A kind of magic
5- Under pressure
6- Another one bites the dust
7- I want to break free
8- Is this the world we created ?
9- Bohemian rhapsody
10- Hammer to fall
11- Radio ga ga
12- We will rock you
13- Friends will be friends
14- We are the champions
15- God save the Queen

- "Party" (Mercury/May/Deacon) - 2:24
- "Khashoggi's Ship" - 2:48
- "The Miracle" - 5:02
- "I Want It All" (May) - 4:41
- "The Invisible Man" (Taylor)* - 3:57
- "Breakthru" (intro - Mercury, o restante - Taylor) - 4:08
- "Rain Must Fall" * - 4:23
- "Scandal" (May) - 4:42
- "My Baby Does Me" (Mercury/Deacon)* - 3:23
- "Was It All Worth It" - 5:45

2."I'm Going Slightly Mad"-4:04
4."I Can't Live with You"-4:04
5."Ride the Wild Wind"-4:41
6."All God's People"-3:53
7."These Are the Days of Our Lives"-3:55
9."Don't Try So Hard"-3:32
10."The Hitman"-3:43
12."The Show Must Go On"-4:24
14."I'm Going Slightly Mad"-4:22
16."I Can't Live with You"-4:35
17."Don't Try So Hard"-3:39
18."Ride the Wild Wind"-4:41
19."All God's People"-4:19
20."These Are the Days of Our Lives"-4:12
22."The Hitman"-4:52
24."The Show Must Go On"-4:24

- "A Kind of Magic" (Roger Taylor) – 4:22
- "Under Pressure" (Queen & David Bowie) – 3:56
- "Radio Ga Ga" (Roger Taylor) – 5:43
- "I Want It All" – 4:01
- "I Want To Break Free" (John Deacon) – 4:18
- "Innuendo" – 6:27
- "It's a Hard Life" (Freddie Mercury) – 4:09
- "Breakthru" – 4:09
- "Who Wants To Live Forever" (Brian May) – 4:57
- "Headlong" – 4:33
- "The Miracle" – 4:54
- "I'm Going Slightly Mad" – 4:07
- "The Invisible Man" – 3:58
- "Hammer to Fall" (Brian May) – 3:40
- "Friends Will Be Friends" (Deacon / Mercury) – 4:08
- "The Show Must Go On" – 4:23
- "One Vision" – 4:02
1992 - LIVE AT WEMBLEY ' 86

Disco 1
- "One Vision" (Queen)- 5:50
- "Tie Your Mother Down" (Brian May)- 3:52
- "In the Lap of the Gods" (Freddie Mercury)- 2:44
- "Seven Seas of Rhye" (Mercury)- 1:19
- "Tear it Up" (May)- 2:12
- "A Kind of Magic" (Roger Taylor)- 8:41
- "Under Pressure" (Queen / David Bowie)- 3:41
- "Another One Bites the Dust" (John Deacon)- 4:54
- "Who Wants to Live Forever" (May)- 5:16
- "I Want to Break Free" (Deacon)- 3:34
- "Impromptu" (Queen)- 2:55
- "Brighton Rock Solo" (May)- 9:11
- "Now I'm Here" (May)- 6:19
Disco 2
- "Love of My Life" (Mercury)- 4:47
- "Is This the World We Created?" (Mercury / May)- 2:59
- "(You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care" (Jerry Leiber / Mike Stoller)- 1:34
- "Hello Mary Lou (Goodbye Heart)" (Gene Pitney)- 1:24
- "Tutti Fruitti" (Little Richard)- 3:23
- "Gimmie Some Lovin'" (Steve Winwood / Spencer Davis / Muff Winwood)- 0:55
- "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Mercury)- 5.50
- "Hammer To Fall" (May)- 5:36
- "Crazy Litle Thing Called Love" (Mercury)- 6:27
- "Big Spender" (Dorothy Fields / Cy Coleman)- 1:07
- "Radio Ga Ga" (Taylor)- 5:57
- "We Will Rock You" (May)- 2:46
- "Friends Will Be Friends" (Mercury / Deacon)- 2:08
- "We Are The Champions" (Mercury)- 4:05
- "God Save The Queen" (May)- 1:27

- "It's a Beautiful Day" (Queen) - 2:32
- "Made in Heaven" - 5:25
- "Let Me Live" (Queen) - 4:45
- "Mother Love" (Queen) - 4:49
- "My Life Has Been Saved" (Queen) - 3:15
- "I Was Born to Love You" - 4:49
- "Heaven for Everyone" (Queen) - 5:36
- "Too Much Love Will Kill You" (May, Lamers, Musker) - 4:20
- "You Don't Fool Me" (Freddie Mercury, Taylor) - 5:24
- "A Winter's Tale" - 3:49
- "It's a Beautiful Day" (Reprise) - 3:01
- "Yeah"-0:04
- "Hidden Track"-22:54

- "We Will Rock You"
- "Tie Your Mother Down"
- "I Want It All"
- "Seven Seas Of Rhye"
- "I Can't Live With You" (versão 1997)
- "Hammer To Fall"
- "Stone Cold Crazy"
- "Now I'm Here"
- "Fat Bottomed Girls"
- "Keep Yourself Alive"
- "Tear It Up"
- "One Vision"
- "Sheer Heart Attack"
- "I'm In Love With My car"
- "Put Out The Fire"
- "Headlong"
- "It's Late"
- "No One But You (Only the Good Die Young)"

- "The Show Must Go On" (Queen & Elton John) - 4:35
- "Under Pressure" (Queen & David Bowie) - 4:08
- "Barcelona" (Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé) - 4:25
- "Too Much Love Will Kill You" (Lamers/May/Musker) - 4:18
- "Somebody to Love" (Queen & George Michael) - 5:07
- "You Don't Fool Me" - 5:22
- "Heaven for Everyone" - 4:37
- "Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love)" (Brian May) - 4:29
- "Driven by You" (Brian May) - 4:09
- "Living on My Own" (Freddie Mercury) - 3:37
- "Let Me Live" - 4:45
- "The Great Pretender" (Freddie Mercury) - 3:26
- "Princes of the Universe" (Mercury) - 3:31
- "Another One Bites the Dust" (Queen & Wyclef Jean) - 4:20
- "No One But You (Only the Good Die Young)" (May) - 4:11
- "These Are the Days of Our Lives" - 4:22
- "Thank God It's Christmas" (May & Taylor) - 4:19

Disco 1
1- Flash
2- The hero
3- We will rock you (Fast)
4- Action this day
5- Play the game
6- Staying power
7- Somebody to love
8- Now i'm here
9- Dragon attack
10- Now i'm here (Reprise)
11- Love of my life
12- Save me
13- Back chat
Disco 2
1- Get down, make love
2- Guitar solo
3- Under pressure
4- Fat bottomed girls
5- Crazy little thing called love
6- Bohemian rhapsody
7- Tie your mother down
8- Another one bites the dust
9- Sheer heart attack
10- We will rock you
11- We are the champions
12- God save the Queen